They came with there manager who was Jack Yan. The visitors were escorted to the staffroom. I had the privellege of going with them and filming there visit. As the girls sat down I got to know some of them. They were really cool. Today they are travelling into Manila,Phillipines to compete. The girls finished there beverages and we moved out of the staffroom and into the Tusitala room where the year 6 ambassadors talked to to them.
The year 6 ambassadors gave a mihimihi of welcome to our visitors. They then talked about things that we do at our school. They showed archives and recent movies from the Manaiakalani Film festival held at Sylvia park. After the year 6 ambassadors an amabassador from variety came and takled to the girls about what they are fundraising for. She showeed a movie that was made to tell people that the kiwi kids sponsership.
When she finished talking we moved onto the senior block where 3 girls talked to our senior block about being entrepreneur. A entrepreneur person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.About 15 miutes later the girls split into groups of 3 - 4 and put themselves in a classroom to explain futher.
At the end of the day, before the girls left they took photos with classes.
This experience was truly ammazing as we were the first school that they had visited. I am so thankful for the things that they are doing as they are not just thinking about themselves they are thinking all about others that are in need. These girls are kind,giving, loving and pretty. A piece of wisdom that i would take away from this experience would have to be that "Be lose because when you are lose you are yourself". They inspied me to be the best me I can be.

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